Saturday Night Sangha

Saturday Night Sangha
East Bay Healing Collective
1840 Alcatraz Avenue
Berkeley 94703

Saturday evenings, 6:00 – 7:30pm

Lead by Anthony Rodgers and Alexa Oulette.

Join us every Saturday evening, as a collection of voices and experiences gather to share meditation and discussion of the dharma. Hosted by practitioners that have trained and sat with a diverse group of teachers, we welcome anyone interested to come out and participate.

The intention of the group is to provide a regular weekend practice night, share our experiences incorporating this practice into our daily lives, and to have fun! This is a revolutionary practice in today’s era just as it was when the Buddha was teaching, so building a sangha, a community of like-minded individuals, can help in our practice.

It is not necessary that you have a Buddhist practice, anyone interested in meditation and learning about these teachings is welcome.

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