Rocks & Clouds Zendo

Rocks & Clouds Zendo
618 South Main Street
Sebastopol, CA
(the zendo is in back of the house next to the big oak tree)

(707) 824-5647,

Rocks and Clouds Zendo is a small Zen Buddhist community located in Sebastopol, California. The community (sangha) meets for meditation, tea and a talk (teisho) by the teacher, Daniel Terragno Roshi, weekly on Wednesdays. On many Fridays, Terragno Roshi offers dokusan, an opportunity to meet privately for discussion of meditation practice. Terragno Roshi works with and guides students in their practice, which may include study of the ancient Zen koans as a way of waking up to one's true nature and developing the awareness, compassion, insight, and presence to live courageously and responsibly.

The sangha holds regular sesshin (meditation retreats)

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