This list is incomplete and ever-changing. If you've got something you think I should add or change, please leave a comment. Thanks!

All Dana System - All events and teachings are offered freely, without charge, and you are, in turn, free to give donations from your heart and as you are able. "Dana" means generosity in Pali, the original language of the historical Buddha, and Buddhist teachings have been offered freely in Asia for 2500 years. An all-dana system preserves the original teachings about generosity and allows equal access to everyone, regardless of ability to pay.

Gay Men's Sangha - A spiritual community that is specifically for gay men. If you aren't a gay man, please check with this group to find out if you are welcome to attend.

Hosts POC Events - Has events that are specifically for people of color.

Hosts Queer Events - Has events that are specifically for people in the LGBTQ communities.

Kids Programming - Indicates they've got something going that specifically mentions and includes kids.

Lesbian Sangha - A spiritual community that is specifically for lesbians. If you aren't a lesbian, please check with this group to find out if you are welcome to attend.

Monastery - A residential center for ordained monks and/or nuns. Some monasteries offer retreats for lay practitioners. Many monasteries invite the larger community to come and participate in various ways, including sits, teachings, ceremonies and making offerings to the monks or nuns, who traditionally survive only on what is offered to them.

Nichiren - a branch of Buddhism based on the teachings of the 13th century Japanese monk Nichiren, noted for its focus on the Lotus Sutra and its opposition to other forms of Japanese Buddhism -- Zen, Pure Land, esoteric Shingon, and Ritsu schools, which Nichiren saw as deviating from the orthodoxy of Mahayana Buddhism. Also noted for some sects' practice of "shakubuku" -- efforts to convert others. More in Wikipedia.

Pan-Buddhist Center - A center that isn't allied to a specific lineage or tradition of Buddhism, but draws from several Buddhist traditions.

Partial Dana System - There may be a fee for the costs of the event, but the teachings are offered on a "dana" or donation basis.

POC Sangha - A spiritual community that is specifically for people of color. If you aren't a person of color, please check with this group to find out if you are welcome to attend.

POC Teachers - Some or all of the teachers of this group are people of color. Please note -- there are surely many more groups/centers with teachers of color than I have noted here. Particularly those that are serving their own Buddhist Asian communities. This category is, perhaps, most relevant for westerners seeking teachers of color.

Pure Land - A subset of the Mahayana branch of Buddhism. Instead of meditative work toward enlightenment, Pure Land Buddhism teaches that through devotion and faith one will be reborn in the Pure Land in which enlightenment is guaranteed. See the Wikipedia entry.

Queer Sangha - A spiritual community that is specifically for the larger queer community, inclusive of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, queer, questioning, intersexed. If you aren't part of these communities, please check with this group to find out if you are welcome to attend.

Queer Teachers - Some or all of the teachers here are gay, lesbian, transgender, transsexual, queer or intersex.

Retreat Center - Offers residential retreats where you can go and stay for a period of days, weeks or months.

Scent-Free Policy - Requests that attendees refrain from wearing scented products to accomodate those with allergies and sensitivities. Please note, this is not generally guaranteed, only requested. It's up to participants to comply.

Taoist - Taoism is a variety of Chinese philosophical concepts more thoroughly explained in the Wikipedia

Theravada - The oldest branch of Buddhism, which emphasizes insight coming from the aspirants own experience and investigation rather than from faith. See the entry in Wikipedia.

Thich Nhat Hanh Tradition - The mindfulness teachings of Vietnamese Zen Master and human rights activist Thich Nhat Hanh. Described by one group as a "Unified Buddhist tradition that blends the best insights of the Theravada, Zen and Pure Land schools of Buddhism in a contemporary way." More info here and at Wikipedia.

Tibetan - Tibetan Buddhism is a Mahayana Buddhist tradition, meaning that the goal of all practice is to achieve enlightenment in order to help all other sentient beings attain this state, as opposed to mere personal liberation. Tibetan Buddhism also encompasses Vajrayana Buddhism. See the Wikipedia entry.

Vajrayana - an extension of Mahayana Buddhism that incorporates tantra techniques and esoteric transmission of "accelerating factors" from teacher to student. Often viewed as the 3rd major "vehicle" of Buddhism, alongside Theravada and Mahayana. See the Wikipedia entry.

Vipassana - Vipassana is often referred to as "insight meditation". It comes from the Theravada lineage, and is a type of Buddhist meditation taught by the historical Buddha.

Wheelchair Accessible - Meets in a location that is wheelchair accessible. I will do my best to verify this information to avoid problems. Please let me know if you are aware of access problems that should be mentioned here, or if there is an accessible site that isn't noted here.

Zen - A school of Mahayana Buddhism that emphasizes meditative practice and experiential wisdom. Wikipedia contains an excellent explanation of the various types of Zen represented here.

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